November Photos

AP Boardwalk Reconstruction 018

Photos Submitted by:
Frank D’Angelo and Steve Gencorelli
DANBRO Distributors
Photos taken by: All is Sharp Photography


Asbury Park Danbro All is Sharp Photography Under the Boardwalk APBoardwalk Reconstruction 022

The following photos were submitted by Frank D’Angelo and Steve Gencorelli of DANBRO Distributors of Philadelphia, PA. After Superstorm Sandy badly damaged the Asbury Park, NJ boardwalk in October 2012, the city did a temporary fix until they were able to permanently rebuild the boardwalk and bulkhead in early 2014.  The original boardwalk foundation design called for concrete piles, but it was  determined that they would be too expensive.  The cased and grouted Helical Pulldown® Micropile foundation system was chosen as the cost-and-time-saving alternative.  South Jersey Helical Piers, installed 264 Helical Pulldown® Micropiles 27-35 feet below-grade to an ultimate capacity of 80 kips.  The no-vibration installation was needed to protect nearby glass-faced stores, restaurants, and theaters, as well as the Asbury Park Convention Center, a national landmark.